11 January 2011

1.11.11 1:11:11am

Wow...(sorry Kenya LOL)

This has been a long time coming...

Believe it or not, there are many parts of my life I've forgotten.  Scenes run through my mind like old black and white movies. I've seen and done some shit.

So, before my beautiful brain deteriorates any further...I'm going to give you all an inside peek into my own little Pandora's box.  That statement should NOT be considered solicitation by my probation officer.

There's only one rule to this ride:



It isn't that I don't want you to feel completely comfortable sharing it, but in the grand scheme of things...we've all got one and none of us are "right" to any degree deeper than our own lives dictate.  Since this is my shit, what I say goes and I just say respect everyone's right to their opinion like you would their asshole...keep your distance and play gently.  I'll update daily...so subscribe and tell a friend or somebody you hate. I don't give a fuck, I'll update daily anyway. (Did that turn you on?)

Imagine if we spent more time experiencing and understanding our differences instead of judging them against our own fucked up point of view...how much time we'd have to explore eradication of this celibatious (is that a word???) plague on society (I'm gonna keep typing like I didn't just make up that word)!  I'm in love with love. Sometimes, I'm afraid I'll never find a person I can give all of this to.  And other times I realize that I should drink less.  Fuck all those times...I just want experiences that I get to use words like "elated", "euphoric", "stimulating" and "billowy" to describe. I want to feel like a "song" about someone.  Maybe one of you...

I'm four score and three decades old, divorced, living with three rather bright, interesting and attractive (though unemployed) creatures that depend on me for EVERYTHING and insist on calling me "Mommie" and for some strange reason they make it impossible for me to be selfish, which really isn't so bad. 

There are a few pretty important people in my life...you'll get to know them well. They all embody some sensational emotion of which I'm capable...and we have some remarkable experiences. (That sounded like an escort resort ad...smh...my life's a psychological orgy)

I love men...or penises...or men with penises...and occasionally the women who fuck them.  

And like most women, I often end up falling for the WRONG ones and the right ones become my best FRIENDS (that sucks).

But I always learn the RIGHT lessons.  Every so often I'll describe how it took me twenty years to understand that you can't be happy with anyone else until you're happy with yourself.  A funny thing happens when you choose to be yourself...you attract people that love and support you for who you really are...because you're being who your really are. DUH!

I'm a bit of a romantic but I rarely get the opportunity to express that...everybody seems to prefer my thug passion! LOL  I love flowers and poetry.  Eventually...you just want to make love to someone who "gets" you...you trust and value their opinion, they learn you, they touch you in places your fingers can't reach...I want to feel the earth move in my heart.  (Yeah...I haven't been on a date in a while, can you tell? #psycho)  But that's me, I give it to you how it comes, and most often that's pure, highly adulterated, official, Grade A "Goldie".

I've had "potential" since I was in 2nd grade...I'm waiting for the day they trade it in the stock market so I can retire.  I've always had this latent entrepeneural gene which means I usually try to create a situation where I get to do what I want to do...for someone else...with their money.   Subsequently, I'm punished by Fate deciding to make me a pretty good legal professional...which makes me good at virtually everything else.  I'm a pretty smart cookie and I plan to shock and amaze you with my wit, intellect, wisdom...and shocking libido.

I thinks its Karma for smoking weed... but I love everybody and believe in you until the bitter end. And then I walk away.  Life's too short to be conflicted all the time. Make decisions, live your choices, and don't be afraid to fuck up sometimes. Everybody does. I believe in eternal progress and the absence of bullshit in my life...sometimes as much as it hurts, I've got to keep doing me...no matter how drunk I have to get and I want everyone to experience that feeling.

All in all, I'm going to make very public this private experience called life.  We'll discuss the usual family, career, life, love and politics but we'll also discuss all the sensations in between. Email your questions or topics to goldie@dxumg.com. Let's figure the shit out...or at least hire my ass to make dealing with your life better. http://www.dxumg.com/ (completely unapologetic shameful self-plug #dontjudgeme). 

Life has so many layers and we usually only focus on the surface because its most visible...so I'm going to uncover some things we may be missing out on. Maybe we'll find some answers.  Maybe we'll realize some possibilities. Maybe we'll watch some dreams come true.  Maybe we'll just get closer.  Whatever it is, I know I've only got today to be heard...at least until tomorrow...and I want a way to remember it all...even the moments I want to forget.

I'll volunteer to go first...get naked...and expose "me"...Hi, I'm Goldie...I was wondering if you could help me find myself...over and over again.

(Don't mind the sexual inuendos, you'll get used to it. :0)

Thank you for sharing this moment with me,

(Now...what's the likelihood of me getting this damn thing to publish at exactly 1:11:11am?????)

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